If you’ve ever accidentally eaten moldy bread – or simply wondered how soon after eating moldy bread will you get sick – then this article is for you. We all know that ingesting mold isn’t something to take lightly, but the exact consequences can be hard to pin down. That’s why we’re taking a deep dive into the world of mold and exploring just how soon after eating moldy bread someone might expect symptoms or fall ill.

What is Mold?

Mold is a type of fungi that naturally grows on food, including bread. It can appear in different colors and textures, such as white, black, green, or fuzzy. While some molds are harmless and even used to make certain foods like cheese and soy sauce, others can produce toxins and cause health problems when ingested.

How to Identify If a Piece of Bread is Moldy?

Signs of mold on bread include:

  • Fuzzy spots that can be green, black, white, or pink.
  • Unpleasant odor (avoid smelling if mold is visible to avoid inhaling harmful spores).
  • Strange taste.
  • Hard texture.

Can You Get Sick from Eating Moldy Bread?

Yes, you can get sick from eating moldy bread. If you do eat moldy bread, you risk experiencing unpleasant symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is especially important for young children, individuals over 65 years old, pregnant individuals, and people with a weakened immune system to avoid eating moldy bread.

Symptoms from Eating Moldy Bread

If you consume moldy bread, you may experience unpleasant symptoms such as:

Allergic Reaction

Eating moldy bread can trigger an allergic reaction in individuals who have a sensitivity to mold. This may result in symptoms such as sneezing, congestion, and skin rash.

Respiratory Distress

Some types of mold can produce toxins, which when inhaled, can cause respiratory problems such as difficulty breathing or aggravated asthma symptoms.

Food Poisoning

The most common health consequence of eating moldy bread is food poisoning. Symptoms typically appear 1-2 days after consuming the contaminated bread and may include nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, and diarrhea.

How Soon After Eating Moldy Bread Will I Get Sick?

The onset of symptoms from eating moldy bread can vary depending on the individual and the type of mold present. In some cases, symptoms may appear within a few hours, while in others it may take a couple of days. If you experience any adverse health effects after consuming moldy bread, seek medical attention immediately.

How to Avoid the Effects of Eating Moldy Bread?

Here are some tips to help you avoid the effects of eating moldy bread:

  1. Always check the bread before consuming it. If you notice any visible mold, throw it away.
  2. Store bread in a cool and dry place, as this will slow down the growth of mold.
  3. Avoid leaving bread out for extended periods and consume it within a few days of purchasing or baking.
  4. Use a clean knife to cut slices from a loaf of bread and avoid touching other slices with the contaminated knife.
  5. Freeze bread if you can’t consume it within a few days.

What to Do with Moldy Bread?

If bread is covered with mold, discard it. Put it into a small paper bag or wrap it in plastic and dispose of it in a covered trash can that children and animals can’t get into.


How long does it take to get food poisoning from moldy bread?
Food poisoning from moldy bread can occur within a few hours of consumption. Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and other related effects.

How much mold can make you sick?
The extent to which mold can make you sick depends on the individual and their level of exposure. If you are highly sensitive to mold, even a small amount can cause symptoms such as congestion and a cough immediately after exposure. However, others may not experience any noticeable effects until the mold grows and spreads further.

Can smelling moldy bread make you sick?
Smelling moldy bread may cause health issues, such as triggering breathing problems for individuals with a mold allergy.

Can mold cause dizziness?
Exposure to mold has been linked to symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, fatigue, nasal irritation, and nausea.

Remember to always be cautious when it comes to consuming moldy bread. When in doubt, it’s best to err on the side of caution and avoid eating it. Stay safe and enjoy your bread mold-free!

Albion Morrison

Albion Morrison Founder : Earl’s Grocery is a sandwich restaurant that serves up Earl’s Real food. The atmosphere is comfortable and contemporary, making it the perfect place to enjoy a great meal.
Address: EARL’S GROCERY, 1609 ELIZABETH AVE, CHARLOTTE, NC 28204. Tel: (704) 333-2757