Does bread last longer in fridge? Maybe you want to keep store-bought bread fresh for longer, or maybe you found leftovers at the back of your pantry and thought it would be better suited in the cold. There are a few ways that storing bread in the refrigerator could extend its shelf life, but there may also be some downsides to consider. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at whether putting bread in the fridge is worth trying– from exploring what types of bread can last longest when stored cold, discussing potential benefits and drawbacks to refrigerating your loaves, and sharing other tips on how to store – so stick around to find out.

Can you store bread in the fridge?

It is not recommended to store bread in the fridge, as it will become less appetizing due to recrystallization of starch and loss of moisture. Baker cautions against storing bread in the refrigerator, as it will adversely affect its palatability.

Does bread last longer in fridge?

Most loaves of bread stay fresh up to one week at room temperature. Refrigerating bread can lengthen its freshness for three to five days. Even if bread gets stale, it can still be used in other recipes such as breadcrumbs, croutons, and bread pudding.

How long does bread last in the fridge?

Bread Type
White bread No, stales faster in fridge
Wheat bread Can last slightly longer (3-5 days) in fridge, but may dry out
Rye bread May last slightly longer (3-5 days) in fridge, but texture may become crumbly
Sourdough bread Can last longer (5-7 days) in fridge due to lower pH, but crust may harden
Storage Method
Plastic bag Traps moisture, promotes mold growth in fridge
Paper bag Allows some air circulation, better in fridge than plastic
Breadbox Absorbs moisture, good for room temperature storage
Airtight container Traps moisture, promotes mold growth in fridge
Room temperature (68-72°F) Best for most breads, lasts 2-4 days
Refrigerator (35-40°F) May extend shelf life slightly for some breads, but affects texture and flavor
Freezer (0°F) Best for long-term storage, lasts several months

Commercially baked breads and rolls can be stored at room temperature for 2 to 4 days or 7 to 14 days in the refrigerator. Bread products retain their quality when stored in the freezer for up to 3 months. Any breads containing meat or hard cooked eggs must be refrigerated within 2 hours.

Factors affect the time bread last in the fridge

Bread stales quickly when kept in the refrigerator due to recrystallization of starch molecules. Store-bought loaves should be kept in an air-tight bag at room temperature for best results.

Different types of bread & their shelf life in the fridge

Aside from traditional loaves and rolls, there are several other varieties of bread that can benefit from a stint in the refrigerator. Here’s an overview of some common types and their respective shelf life when stored at cold temperatures:

  • White bread – 1 week
  • Whole wheat bread – 1 week
  • Sourdough – 2-3 weeks
  • Rye bread – 1 week
  • French baguettes – 3 days
  • Artisan loaves – 2 weeks
Different types of bread & their shelf life in the fridge

How to store bread to make it last longer in the fridge?

Here are some tips to help you store bread in the refrigerator for a longer period of time:

  • Place your loaf in an airtight container or resealable bag before storing it in the fridge. This will help keep moisture out and preserve freshness for longer.
  • Wrap up any leftover slices of bread tightly with aluminum foil or plastic wrap before refrigerating them.
  • Make sure to store bread away from strong odors in the refrigerator as these can easily transfer to the loaf and affect its taste.
  • Remember that freezing your bread is an option, too. Just make sure to thaw it out at room temperature before eating for optimal freshness.

Benefits and drawbacks of keeping bread in the fridge

Refrigerating bread is the least ideal way to store it, as it accelerates the chemical reactions that lead to staleness. Keeping bread in the fridge does slow down mold growth, but will make bread inedible faster than leaving it wrapped or in a bread box at room temperature.

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How to test bread in the fridge for the freshness?

If you’re curious about whether bread will last longer in the fridge, there are a few tests you can do to check its freshness. The first test is the sniff test. Does your bread have a strong sour smell or a musty odor? Does it feel damp or soggy? If so, this could be an indication that the bread has gone bad.

The second test is the squeeze test. Does your bread feel dense and heavy? Does it still have some spring to it when you press down on it with your finger? If not, this could also be a sign of staleness or mold.

Finally, if you want to check for visible mold, look for dark or black spots on your bread. If you see any of these signs, it’s best to discard the loaf and buy a new one.

How to tell if bread in the fridge has gone bad?

  • Check for mold to determine if bread has gone bad. If visible mold appears, the USDA recommends discarding the loaf.
  • Unpleasant odor is indicative of spoiled bread and should be discarded.
  • Strange taste may indicate the bread has gone bad and should be thrown away.
  • Hard texture can occur if the bread isn’t sealed or stored properly, but it may still be edible.
How to tell if bread in the fridge has gone bad?

Conclusion: Does Bread Last Longer In Fridge?

Does bread last longer in fridge is an important question to consider when we are storing bread for long periods of time. Refrigeration may provide some additional protection against spoilage, but it’s not a guarantee that bread will stay fresh any longer than when stored at room temperature. It is best to use your senses, smell test, and look for visible signs of mold when determining if bread has gone bad. Additionally, freezing the bread for longer storage or following proper storage and freezing guidelines can help ensure that your bread stays fresh for as long as possible.

FAQ: Bread in fridge

Does bread go bad faster in the fridge?

Refrigeration is not the best way to store bread as it causes bread to become stale much faster than at room temperature. Store shop-bought loaves in an air-tight plastic bag at room temperature for optimal freshness.

Does bread last longer in fridge or freezer?

Bread can last significantly longer when stored in the freezer. Proper wrapping is key; opt for freezer bags to tightly enclose the loaf, either whole or sliced.

Is it better to freeze or refrigerate fresh bread?

Freezing is the best option for preserving fresh bread. To freeze, wrap tightly in a freezer bag, whole or sliced. For sliced bread, wax paper between slices facilitates portioning out as needed.

Does refrigerating bread prevent mold?

Refrigerating bread can cause it to stale up to six times faster than bread left on the counter. Cold temperatures in the refrigerator can prevent mold and dryness of store-bought bread.

Can you eat expired bread if it was in fridge ?

Bread does not expire, the date is a suggested use-by date. If there is no visible mold, it is safe to eat. Refrigeration greatly slows down mold growth, so refrigerated bread can be eaten past the suggested use-by date.

How long is bread good for in the fridge?

Commercially baked breads and rolls can be stored at room temperature for 2 to 4 days, and 7 to 14 days in the refrigerator. Bread products can be kept frozen for up to 3 months. Any bread items containing meat or hard cooked eggs need to be refrigerated within 2 hours.

Does bread stay fresher in the fridge?

Bread should not be kept in the fridge as it causes it to stale faster. Store shop-bought loaves of bread in an air-tight plastic bag at room temperature.

Does bread mold faster in the fridge?

Bread stored on the fridge is more likely to mold due to the heat and moisture levels released by the appliance. Storing bread near a dishwasher can increase its chances of spoiling due to excess heat and humidity in the area.

How long does homemade bread last in the fridge?

Homemade bread should be kept sealed at room temperature or colder to prevent mold. Room-temperature homemade bread typically lasts 3–4 days, while store-bought can last up to 7 days. Refrigeration can extend the shelf life of both types of bread by 3–5 days.

What is the best container to keep bread fresh?

Ceramic containers are highly recommended for storing bread, as they help maintain moisture and freshness.

Beatrice Payne

Beatrice Payne is an editor for Earl’s Grocery, a sandwich restaurant with a focus on real food. She has worked in the publishing industry for many years and is passionate about helping businesses communicate their message effectively. Beatrice enjoys spending time with her family and friends, and loves exploring new restaurants.