Foods and Beverages to Avoid with Arthritis

Having arthritis involves being conscious of your diet and beverages. A few foods might cause inflammation, aggravating arthritic symptoms.

Avoiding these triggers will help you aid to ease discomfort and stiffness.

1. Sugary Drinks
High in sugar are soda, sweetened teas, and energy drinks, which can aggravate joint discomfort and inflammation. Replace sweet drinks for water or herbal tea.

2. Processed Foods
Fast food, snacks, and pre-packed meals can have trans fats and added sugars—two things that aggravate inflammation. Try instead cooking at home using whole, fresh foods.

3. Red Meat
Although occasional lean red meat could be acceptable, too much can raise body’s inflammatory markers level. Choose fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, which might help ease joint discomfort. Salmon is one such fish.

4. Dairy Products
Arthritis sufferers sometimes claim that dairy aggravates their symptoms. If that describes you, experiment using oat or almond milk substitutes.

5. Fried Foods
Common fried foods include french fries and fried chicken are cooked in oils that aggravate inflammation. Choose baked or grilled instead.

6. Alcohol
With alcohol, moderation is really vital. Especially in those with gout, a type of arthritis, too much might cause irritation.

As orthopaedic specialist Dr. Alan Hayes notes, “Arthritis discomfort is mostly caused by inflammation. Choosing anti-inflammatory meals and avoiding common triggers will help you to control your symptoms.