Real-Life Handbook for Good Eating: Simplify and Reward Yourself

Eating well does not have to involve spending hours in the kitchen or adhering to difficult diets. Here’s how to savor healthy food in a way that fits quite nicely into your everyday schedule.

Emphasize whole, unprocessed foods. Start with adding more healthy foods including lean proteins, fruits, veggies, and whole grains.

“The key to healthy eating is sticking to foods that are as near to their natural state as possible,” explains nutritionist Sarah Brown. This means going for things like fresh produce, nuts, and grains instead of highly processed choices and bypassing them.

Balance; avoid restricting Try for balance instead of eliminating whole food categories. “I enjoy using the 80/20 guideline,” Sarah says.

“Eighty percent of the time, I eat whole, nutritious foods; the other twenty percent, I enjoy my favorite treats in moderation.” This method helps one to keep a good lifestyle free from feeling deprived.

Make dinner preparation your friend. Making ahead of time plans and preparation meals will help you avoid grabbing for bad takeout when pressed for time.

“A little prep goes a long way,” notes Sarah. “You’ll have mix-and-match choices all week if you roast some vegetables, cook a grain, and grill a protein on Sunday.”

Pay Attention to Your Body Track how various foods affect your mood. “Healthy eating is about how you feel as much as it is about what you eat,” Sarah says.

You are more likely to have consistent energy and a better mood when you concentrate on feeding your body healthy choices.

The ultimate aim is to make sustainable, realistic, and fun healthy eating for you.