The Sustainable Table: Eating and Living with the Earth in Mind

More people are realizing in the modern world how their dietary decisions affect the earth.

1. Purchase seasonal, local produce.

Choosing locally grown, in season fruits and vegetables not only lessens the carbon footprint related to transportation but also helps nearby farms. Environmental activist Sarah Greene says, “buying locally helps you invest in your community and reduce emissions.”

2. Select vegetable-based proteins.

One of the main causes of greenhouse emissions is animal farming, hence cutting your meat consumption and substituting plant-based proteins like lentils, chickpeas, and beans can help greatly.

These vegetables not only help the earth but also have health advantages like lots of fiber and important nutrients.

3. Limit Food Waste

Key to avoiding food waste is ahead of time meal planning and sensible use of leftovers. Simple habits like refrigeration of goods for later use or correct food storage can be quite beneficial.

4. Back Sustainable Development

Food seafood Look for sustainable seafood if you love fish. Certifications such as the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) might direct you toward greener decisions.

Choosing responsibly harvested fish guarantees you are not aggravating the overfishing depleting of marine life issue.